Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heaven Sent

My sons and I started a Divorce Care group at a new church last night. It's fabulous. The children's group discusses the same topics as the adult group, at their level. It's a safe place for them to work through this and make friends with kids in the same boat. And whoamygosh, I get to decompress too. I've been too busy to work through too much of the divorce. I'm never getting married again, but I sure don't want to keep making the same mistakes. I want to learn, so I can really heal.

We drove home in a thunderstorm though, which really bothered my youngest. I've said it before, but my oldest is a Genius because he said, "hey, let's pretend the lightning is God's camera!" So for the 20 minute drive home we yelled, "CHEESE!" at the top of our lungs when it lightninged. (is that a word?)
It brought unspeakable joy.
It's been raining a lot in our lives lately. What a relief to laugh in it! Rain makes all things new. Jesus bring the rain. Tell me you're not twitterpaited with the smell after rain. We've got a rainbow coming, I can just feel it.



Debbie said...

What a great idea to smile at the lightning. You do have great kids.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Oh, Carolynn, I just got all teary-eyed reading about "Cheese!". What a thoughtful son you have there. So dear.

Rainbows are coming my friend....they are coming. God is so faithful.

So happy that your family found a safe place to learn and talk and heal. What a blessing!

Annette said...

That is such a great idea!!! I am so glad you found a place where you and the kiddos can decompress. I sure could use some decompression right about now even though I'm not going through a divorce!!! Do they have decompression for STRESS??!!?? Ha!! It's good to see you blogging....

Kat said...

That boy of yours has been a special soul since the beginning. I'm glad that you and the kiddos have an outlet to work through everything that's happened and to get you started down your new path in life.

Now maybe if I could get Dew to understand God's camera I could get some sleep during thunderstorms. ::rolls eyes::

Love ya darlin'!

Erin K. said...

It's great to hear from you! Not that there's pressure for you to post, but I love hearing your updates and knowing that you are plugging along.

I'm happy to hear that you are continuing along in your healing journey, even in the midst of the craziness of being a single mom and working full-time. I know God is at work in your life, and he has BIG plans for you! And, yes, your rainbow is coming!!

Sara@iSass said...

What a clever clever boy!!!
Glad to hear you are getting some support and comfort.
I would also like to add never say never ;)
You are a wonderful, beautiful, courageous woman...your heart will heal.
Much love and hugs.

jubilee said...

You are right, your boy is a genius! I am so using that technique with my chickadees.

May you have many, many rainbows.

SuperAunt said...

You're getting stronger every day, and what a great tool you are giving your children for them to use in the future when things get tough or difficult to deal with. These are the lessons that that keep on giving. Love you all, and CHEESE!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I love it, "cheese!" I think we might just swipe that idea ;-)

Glad you found a support group, I hope it helps the kids through the healing process.

Growin' With It said...

we have a DC4Kids program at our church. is it the same thing? i love hearing how the church reaches all the nooks and crannies of people's needs. good for them and great for you for getting involved!!